
48766673 Mm

Salaries 2023

Salary Report 2023

  • Salary ranges reflect our view of monthly base salaries being paid by modern software companies in Bangkok, Thailand, or who are located in SE Asia and willing to hire candidates on a fully remote basis.

  • Levels are similar for both Thai and foreign nationals; ranges are indicative for candidates with good English and technical skills to be able to work effectively in an international environment; salaries are typically 25-40%+ lower for candidates without these skills

  • Experience indicates total years of relevant tech IT experience; years with a specific skill(s) are often less.

  • Candidate skill levels vary between individuals (with similar years of experience), leading to significant variations in salaries offered.

  • These ranges indicate salaries currently being paid. However, some candidates may require a significant increase to justify making a move.

  • Most salaries are the same as 2022 as economic uncertainty has decreased upwards pressure on rates, but demand for high-caliber staff remains strong.

  • Please feel free to contact one of our consultants to discuss your own situation and career options



Salary (Baht/month)

Web developer / Software Engineer (Java, C#, PHP, Python)

2 - 5 years
5 - 10+ years

50,000 - 100,000+
60,000 - 180,000+

Web developer / Software Engineer (Golang, Node.js, TypeScript)

2 - 5 years
5 - 10+ years

50,000 - 130,000+
90,000 - 190,000+

Software Engineer (Ruby/Rails, Scala, Elixir, blockchain)

5 - 15 years

60,000 - 250,000+

Web developer / Software Engineer (ReactJS, Vue.js, Angular)

2 - 5 years
5 - 10+ years

45,000 - 140,000+
90,000 - 170,000+

Mobile Developer (Swift, Kotlin, Flutter, React Native)

2 - 5 years
5 - 10+ years

50,000 - 110,000+
90,000 - 150,000+

Web / Mobile Designer / UI / UX

2 - 5 years
5 - 10+ years

35,000 - 70,000+
50,000 - 130,000+

Software Tester - Manual

3 - 10+ years

50,000 - 100,000+

Software Tester - Automated (Selenium, Robot Framework, Cucumber)

3 - 5 years
5 - 10+ years

70,000 - 100,000
90,000 - 120,000+

Software QA / Testing Manager

7 - 10+ years

100,000 - 190,000+

Cloud Engineer / Site Reliability Engineer

3 - 5 years
5 - 15 years

60,000 - 120,000+
90,000 - 220,000+

DevOps Engineer

3 - 5 years
5 - 15 years

70,000 - 130,000+
90,000 - 270,000+

Product Manager / Owner

5 - 8 years
8 - 15+ years

100,000 - 180,000
140,000 - 230,000+

Team Lead

5 - 10+ years

120,000 - 150,000+

Tech Lead / Architect

7 - 15+ years

140,000 - 280,000+

Development Manager

8 - 15+ years

150,000 - 300,000+

IT Project Manager

7 - 15+ years

120,000 - 230,000+

ERP Project Manager

8 - 15+ years

140,000 - 280,000+

Engineering Manager / VP of Engineering

7 - 12+ years

250,000 - 320,000+

Project Director / Program Manager

15 - 20+ years

200,000 - 450,000+

Chief Information Officer / Chief Technology Officer

12 - 20+ years

250,000 - 500,000+

NOTE: Some roles are excluded due to a lack of data

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